Workshop: Romance languages in a rapidly changing world
*** Bus information for people coming from Paris ***
For the W1 “Romance Languages in a rapidly changing world”: the bus will leave at 8am and will wait for the registered participants in front of the INALCO building (65 Rue des Grands Moulins, 75013 Paris, France). Contact person: Anisia Popescu. Please be there on time!
This workshop will take place on June 26, 2023 at ENS Paris-Saclay (Amphithéâtre Hodgkin).
This workshop corresponds to workshop 1 of the « 53rd Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages – LSRL 53 ». LSRL is one of the oldest and most prestigious international symposiums in modern Romance linguistics.
The proposed workshop addresses the question of the study of a language family in an interdisciplinary perspective: linguistics, sociology, economics, history… It welcomes presentations that make use of language data explored and exploited to answer research questions specific to these different disciplines as well as to questions at the interface of two or more disciplines. The Paris-Saclay ecosystem represents a environment where advanced technologies and SHS interact: we will highlight the potential of this digital processing based on the collaborations and tools available in the Paris-Saclay perimeter.
Register at the bottom of the page
9:15-9:30 Bus arrival, registration & coffee
9:30-9:45 Welcome message by MSH & the organizers
Keynote 1: Etienne Ollion (CREST/École Polytechnique), What can NLP do for the Social Sciences (and vice versa)?
10:45-11:00 Coffee break
Keynote 2: Jane Stuart Smith (University of Glasgow), Beyond the auld alliance? Using automated processing to identify variation and change in French and Scottish English /r/
Paola Tubaro (CNRS, CREST & Yaru Wu (CRISCO, Université de Normandie), Documenting the socio-linguistic identity of micro-workers from Latin America: a preliminary study of the vocalic realizations
12:30-13:30 Lunch
Oana Niculescu (Institutul de Lingvistică „Iorgu Iordan – Alexandru Rosetti”, Romanian Academy), Preserving and digitally exploring the National Phonogramic Archive of the Romanian Language
William Balla-Johnson (Ohio State University), Shared Romance features a product of contact-induced language change? Roman republican colonization and language contact in the ancient Italian peninsula
Emanuela Pinna (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona), Auxiliary selection and past participle agreement in the Griko periphrastic perfect: a (micro)diachronic and diatopic study of a Greek variety in contact with Italo-Romance
15:00-15:30 Coffee break
James Law, Adam McBride (Brigham Young University), Variable articulations of the fricative /ʒ/ in the Poitevin-Saintongeais language of France
Joshua Grifith, Marin Childers (Northeastern University), Asymmetries in Word-final Schwa Realization in French
Greta Viale (Università degli studi di Verona, University of Verona & Sens, Texte, Informatique, Histoire Sorbonne Université) & Andrea Briglia (UMR 1253 Brain Imagerie & Cerveau Equipe 1), Auxiliary selection in French and Italian
Anna Preßler, Frank Kügler (Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main), The A-N vs. N-A asymmetry: French adjectives at the Syntax-Phonology interface
17:30-18:00 Final discussion, bus departure
For more information about The 53rd Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL 53), follow this link.