Conférences 13 minutes Innovation 2017 – 10/10/2017

Rendez-vous le 10 octobre prochain – 9h30 à Telecom Ecole de Management pour les CONFÉRENCES 13 MINUTES INNOVATION organisées par le RINNODI (Réseau en INNOvation et Dynamiques Internationales) et le LITEM (Laboratoire en Innovation, Technologies, Economies et Management).


Au programme de ces conférences courtes, les interventions de :

CHRISTOPHE MIDLER / Innovating backwards: strategy and design for a frugal world

Centre de Recherche en Gestion de l’Ecole Polytechnique / France

PETER ZETTINIG / Cross-industry innovation ecosystems : driving convergence towards Industry 4.0
University of Turku / Finland

STEVE DIASO / A Long Strange Trip: How Music Influenced Open and Collaborative Innovation
University of South Florida / USA

CRISTIANE STAINSACK / Local innovation and global integration: a collaborative approach in the innovation ecosystem in Brazil
Université Paris Dauphine / France

HUE DIE / The Chinese case in collaborative innovation through licensing policy
Sichuan University / China

NATHALIE SAINT-MARCEL / The Mountain Cluster: a collective organization at the service of economic development and attractiveness for tourists
Cluster Montagne / France

LAURENCE FORNARI / International co-creation of a unique and memorable VR experience with a multicultural and multidisciplinary team
SkyLights / France

ALBERT MEIGE / « Open organization: what makes a difference »
PRESANS / France


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Amphi Étoile

9 rue Charles Fourier

91000 EVRY

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