ConfĂ©rences 13 minutes Innovation 2017 – 10/10/2017

Rendez-vous le 10 octobre prochain – 9h30 Ă  Telecom Ecole de Management pour les CONFÉRENCES 13 MINUTES INNOVATION organisĂ©es par le RINNODI (RĂ©seau en INNOvation et Dynamiques Internationales) et le LITEM (Laboratoire en Innovation, Technologies, Economies et Management).


Au programme de ces conférences courtes, les interventions de :

CHRISTOPHE MIDLER / Innovating backwards: strategy and design for a frugal world

Centre de Recherche en Gestion de l’Ecole Polytechnique / France

PETER ZETTINIG / Cross-industry innovation ecosystems : driving convergence towards Industry 4.0
University of Turku / Finland

STEVE DIASO / A Long Strange Trip: How Music Influenced Open and Collaborative Innovation
University of South Florida / USA

CRISTIANE STAINSACK / Local innovation and global integration: a collaborative approach in the innovation ecosystem in Brazil
Université Paris Dauphine / France

HUE DIE / The Chinese case in collaborative innovation through licensing policy
Sichuan University / China

NATHALIE SAINT-MARCEL / The Mountain Cluster: a collective organization at the service of economic development and attractiveness for tourists
Cluster Montagne / France

LAURENCE FORNARI / International co-creation of a unique and memorable VR experience with a multicultural and multidisciplinary team
SkyLights / France

ALBERT MEIGE / « Open organization: what makes a difference »
PRESANS / France


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Amphi Étoile

9 rue Charles Fourier

91000 EVRY

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