Le séminaire « Conflits et territoires » accueille Srdan SIMAC, juriste, Judge of the High Commercial Court of the Republic of Croatia.
Résumé de la communication
Conflicts are natural part of life and business. Every conflict is useful because it is the signal that something is not functioning and at the same time, it is a call on action in order to remove nonfunctional parts and behaviors and to improve the relationship or the system. Various methods of solving conflict and disputes exist within business world. Nowadays among them, step by step mediation takes more and more important place. Learning how to replace confrontation in a conflict with cooperation and how to replace the unproductive focus on the personal interests with the concern for the common interests, are the first steps in conflict resolution. Instead of looking the conflicts as problems, business people should embrace them as business opportunity for growth, development, learning and improvement. Find out from the extensive experience of the speaker as a judge and mediator and as the person who is very close with business and resolution of its conflicts/disputes, why nobody within the business world couldn’t afford to ignore existence of mediation any more, and how mediation can help them and you in de-escalation of all kind of conflicts and in finding their long-lasting solutions.
Informations pratiques
Mardi 23 mai 2017, de 13h30 à 15h30
Agro Paris Tech – salle Delage16 rue Claude Bernard – 75005 PARIS
Métro Censier Daubenton
Inscription obligatoire : torre@agroparistech.fr
Retrouvez les enregistrements vidéo du séminaire Conflits et Territoires : Vidéos Conflits