Methods for the Application of Structure from Motion (SfM) 3D models for the Recording and Consolidation of Archaeological Architecture.

This is an abstract from the « Towards a Standardization of Photogrammetric Methods in Archaeology: A Conversation about ‘Best Practices’ in An Emerging Methodology » session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Photogrammetry is the process of generating 3-Dimensional digital models from still photographs. The process is applied in a variety of field and lab settings for documenting the archaeological record. Currently, there is a need for focus on individual applications and the development of a standard methodology to ensure consistent and comparable 3D models. We present our system for incorporating photogrammetry into the documentation of architecture, developed at the site of Nim li Punit, Belize, during our 2018 field season. The archaeological excavation of architecture involves the documentation of the pre-excavated building, the liberation of earth and material overburden, the documentation of all in situ construction (including wall fall, fill stones, and standing architecture), the drawing of consolidated architecture, and the documentation of the final state of the post-excavated buildings. The generation of 3D models greatly assists in all facets of the excavation, documentation, analysis, and consolidation processes.

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